The Arborspec Way

Providing tree care services The Arborspec Way means treating tree lopping as a last resort to proper habitat maintenance services that puts the needs of the tree first.

Providing Tree Care, Not Tree Lopping

Arborspec is an Arboricultual contractor providing tree care services to commercial, civil, and residential clients across South-East Queensland and Northern New South Wales. Our services include Arboricultural consultancy, habitat creation, tree maintenance, and emergency tree removal. We treat tree removal as a last resort and only for trees causing real danger in the event of a storm, or environmental weeds as listed by local governments. At Arborspec, we’re serious about this last resort, so we provide tree health assessment and tree risk assessments to work out whether retention is an option.

We understand the vital role that native vegetation plays in our local ecosystem, and count ourselves lucky to care for the habitat of SEQ and Northern NSW, so we developed The Arborspec Way.

Large white tree

Education and Consultation

We seek to provide not only tree care, but education and explanation to our customers, ensuring that you know what we are able to deliver. The Arborspec team works with our clients to achieve what they need while preserving the health of the tree and retaining the important habitat they provide. We share our passion for conservation by having honest conversations about the effects of certain Arboricultural practices,

and being detailed and transparent in our decision-making on the direction of a project.

We explain any compromises or restrictions on works from the beginning, and work around these to deliver work that achieves and often exceeds customer expectations.

The Future of Arboriculture

The Arboriculture industry has come a long way in the last decade, but unfortunately has retained its reputation as an industry of tree loppers. We want this to change. Arborspec’s passion for tree health and the understanding of the vital roles that trees play in our environment is something we want to share and promote both within the industry and to the greater population. We want the entire industry filled with passionate environmentally conscious arborists, encouraging arboricultural sound tree care and tree protection to everyone. We want to end the irreversible damage caused by improper and unnecessary tree lopping practices.

We are not the only Arboricultural company offering environmentally friendly options. If you are outside our service area or are otherwise unable to use Arborspec for your tree care services, just get in touch with our team, and we can direct you to another ethical Arborist near you

Tree inspection

Get Tree Care the Arborspec Way

Meeting and Exceeding Australian Standards

At Arborspec, we seek to exceed standards of tree care and customer satisfaction – so it’s only natural that we’d meet them. We adhere to all relevant local laws, industry regulations, and Australian Standards, including:

  • Australian Standard 4373-2007 Pruning of Amenity Trees​
  • Australian Standard 4970-2009 Protection of Trees on Development Sites

Call the Ethical Arborists

Arborspec is a team of ethical arborists providing tree care services across SEQ and Northern NSW. Contact us today to discover what we can do for your next project.

Tree trunk from the roots up

The Areas We Service

From one-off mulching to creating shrub clearing and tree maintenance plans, we offer comprehensive arboricultural services across all North Brisbane, South Brisbane, Redland Bay, Ipswich and Gold Coast Suburbs. Infrequently into parts of Northern NSW and the Sunshine Coast.

If your location isn’t listed above, we may still be able to assist you. Contact us with details of your project, and we’ll be in touch.